The saying, “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans,” is a profound truth. Unfortunately, bad things are inevitable. When such events impact your company, it is crucial to be prepared with a comprehensive plan.

When faced with large liability claims, major accidents, community crises, environmental hazards, or negative media attention, a well-developed and rehearsed Crisis Management plan is essential. This proactive and responsible Risk Management strategy should be meticulously crafted and flexible enough to address any potential emergency.

Partnering with a broker like TSIB, which has extensive experience in Crisis Management, is highly advantageous for your company. It is important to ensure that your broker is skilled in the following areas:

  • Crisis Communication Plans
  • Fatalities and Serious Injury
  • Terrorist Threats
  • Civil Unrest
  • Labor Disputes
  • Media Management
  • Fire/Explosion Response
  • Environmental Crisis
  • Specific Severe Weather Event Response
  • Bomb Threats
  • Workplace Violence
  • Active Shooter Situations
  • Building Shutdown
  • Building Collapse/Failure
  • Responsibilities of the Construction Manager, General Contractor, Sub-Contractors, etc.

Crisis Management planning is a complex field that demands a multi-disciplinary approach. Therefore, it is vital to have a broker who can assist with any actions that need to be taken or reviewed.

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